i knit because i can ...

Wednesday, 15 October 2008

three beautiful things ...

At the weekend I read an article on surviving the stress of the financial panic which recommended, effectively, counting your blessings. It chimed with a decision I had already taken to write less about my sufferings, real or imagined, in my journal, and more about things that were good/had gone right/gave me pleasure, etc. The article cited a blog, three beautiful things, which I recommend. It definitely shows the way.

As I have no more knitting to show at present, I will simply cite 'three beautiful things'. In fact, I think I'll make this a habit, so here goes for the first time:

1. My grandchildren - always!
2. The lovely yellows of the horsechestnut foliage as it ages and dies.
3. The ever-changing clouds I see from my study window as I type.

Off to mind some grandchildren. May not be back before Sunday, so have a wonderful w/e, whoever, wherever you are! :)


  1. Hi Ingrid, came to your site in a roundabout way, I have been knitting since about 10 years old. just to say hi and admire some of your work.I am a very hard working private Nanny, love it.M

  2. glad you like it. Great respect for nannies, I had a wonderful nanny for my two youngest when I was working flat out supporting their father in his business ventures and working myself. She was the most wonderful support, which helped me get over the fact that I couldn't be doing all that she did myself. Good luck with your work, and your knitting!! :)
