i knit because i can ...

Thursday, 20 November 2008

the finished article ...

At long last, my Bee Fields Shawl is finished, washed and blocked. I just love this shawl: I love the patterns; I love the way they all come together; I especially like the way the shading of the yarn works with the patterns. I am usually a purist when it comes to lace knitting. I like nothing better than a plain, preferably pale (read white or cream) shetland style yarn. But this I like, it works really well and I am well pleased. And it snuggles cosily around my shoulders. So here goes, da daa ....

Bee Fields Shawl, blocked:
Bee Fields Shawl, detail 1, beehives, blocked:
Bee Fields Shawl, detail 2, swarm, blocked:
Bee Fields Shawl, detail 3, bee in field and edging, blocked:

I struggled a bit with the blocking. I generally use blocking wires, but the edging on the shawl is quite complex. In the finish I got round it by using wires and then pinning out extra bits. I'm reasonably happy with the results. However, my knees didn't thank me! I prefer to block on the floor, because I like to block fairly fiercely and I find that harder on a soft surface like a bed. This one I didn't block quite so fiercely because I wanted to retain some of the texture of the knitting patterns.

Now I am already quite a way up the Honeybee Stole. Fortunately this is proving a quick knit, so I can alternate it with the Princess edging, which definitely isn't. I'm not entirely sure why, except I think it's the yarn. I am using Gossamer CashSilk, which is slightly unforgiving. It is quite slippy, and can split if one isn't ultra careful. Still, I am enjoying it, as long as I take it in small bites. And I've nearly finished the forty points for the first side, so no complaints.
My cold has almost left me, thank goodness, as I am off to mind grandson Luke for the weekend tomorrow. It's the first time I'll have had sole responsibility for him overnight, so I've lots of plans to keep him happily occupied, to stop him missing his parents, who are off to a farewell do. Happy days! ;)


  1. Hi, I am a Private Nanny and can't get sick, I take regular vitamin C tablets and if I feel a cold coming, I then take Horseradish & Garlic capsules, (have to be good quality) they stop your head getting congested and also stop build up on your chest.Sorry you have been feeling miserable, but it has probably given you time to work on your "Beauties" they are indeed wonderful.

  2. Hope you have a wonderful weekend with your little "Luke", I too am hoping to spend time with my 2 grandsons, but the family I work for are expecting baby number 4 any day, so the minute I leave town (2 hour drive)for my weekend away, I expect to be called back to work.We shall see.Glad you are feeling better.

  3. It's Bee-autiful! (Sorry, couldn't help myself!)
